這里是美國發布時間:19-04-2718:11環球網旗下帳號咦。。。Via Google Maps上周五,一位澳大利亞女童在父母的陪同下來到麥當勞。孩子的媽媽準備買單,但是一回頭看到自己的孩子在咀嚼著一個黑色的東西——是一個被用過的避孕套。Via Nine NewsA Perth, Western Australia, couple was “sickened” to find their toddler had picked up the black item about 6pm Friday night at the fast-food outlet in Warnbro in the city’s outer-south.上周五晚上6點多,一對夫妻帶著他們的孩子到澳大利亞的珀斯市南郊的一家麥當勞就餐。當他們看到自己的孩子在麥當勞吮吸一個黑色的東西時,兩人都被惡心到了。The mother, who only wanted to be known as Wendy, told 10 daily she went back to the counter to order something when her husband spotted their daughter sucking on the condom.這個希望被叫作Wendy的媽媽對10 daily 表示,當時自己正在柜臺結賬,女兒發現了這只避孕套,并把它放到了嘴巴里。Wendy said the condom appeared to be used and might have been on a chair.Wendy 說這個避孕套看上去是用過的,可能是別人放在椅子上的。女童的父母立即對女兒進行一些處理。由于害怕女兒被傳染上性病,還將女兒送往了醫院檢查。“I ran into the bathrooms, washed her mouth and hands and came out and gave her a drink. We were terrified,” she said.“我沖到洗手間,替孩子清洗了嘴巴和手,給她喝了飲料。我們都嚇壞了,”她說。“I am really angry and sickened ... I haven’t slept. I have been feeling overwhelmingly guilty for taking her there in the first place.”“我很生氣,也很惡心…整夜都睡不著覺,后悔把她帶到麥當勞。”Via Fox News事后麥當勞公司方面也做出了道歉,并且承諾會認真對待和徹查此事。McDonald’s told 10 daily they were “very sorry” the incident happened and take situations like it seriously.麥當勞每天告訴10 daily,他們“非常抱歉”發生了這樣的事情,并表示會認真處理這個事情。“We are conducting an investigation into how this happened,” the spokesperson said.“我們正在調查這是如何發生的,”發言人說。“Cleanliness and safety are our top priorities and we ensure the shift manager on duty conducts what we refer to as a travel path every 30 minutes.”“清潔和安全是我們的首要任務,我們確保值班的輪班經理每30分鐘進行一次檢查。”Via Fox News這已經不是第一次有孩子在麥當勞里誤食避孕套了。2011,一位父親帶著孩子在澳大利亞一家麥當勞用餐時,發現他兩歲的女兒正在咀嚼一只避孕套。原來是一群女學生的惡作劇。A group of local schoolgirls later came forward and admitted they played a prank by planting the condom filled with ice cream in the cubby house.一群當地女學生承認她們在孩子玩的小房子里放了裝滿冰淇淋的避孕套。Via Fox News在麥當勞里吃到避孕套?網友表示:Boone5811: A new version of the Happy Meal?新版開心樂園餐?KateKat430:This is why I no longer eat at fast food restaurants...所以我不再在快餐店吃飯。IronMaiden22:Well in the US, cleanliness is not their priority, floors are filthy, food left on table, and dont get me started about the restrooms.在美國,沒有人關心餐廳是否干凈。地板很臟,食物留在桌子上,不要讓我開始說洗手間。It_aint_right: Who eats at McDonalds Who lets their two year old toddler walk around McDonalds unaccompanied!!誰叫他們吃麥當勞?誰讓他們不看好兩歲的小孩,讓她自己走來走去!Via Fox News你在吃飯的時候遇到過哪些糟心的經歷呢?(來源:環球時報英文版)